Protecting your website and your visitors from bad actors.
SSL certificates
Secured connections with your visitors? a must have
SSL certificates are the digital locks that make sure convos between your website and your visitors’ browsers are private. They are essential requirements for modern browsers and most search engines.
In other words, they are a must-have.
They come in various options with different certificates providing varying levels of insurance coverage.
There are free ones we can provide for you (and will since we don’t publish any site without an SSL), but these expire every 90 days. Save yourself the effort and purchase a year long certificate.
This certificate offers features full business validation meaning that the security company, Sectigo, will verify your organization’s information, increasing your visitors’ trust. Validation typically takes 1-3 business days, but, in some cases, expediting the process is possible.
Sectigo provides a $50,000 warranty against errors in the certificate and a TrustLogo for your site. The TrustLogo allows your visitors to verify your information with a simple click.
$29.88 per year
$119.88 per year
$251.88 per year
Website Care & Maintenance
the ounce of prevention that's your site's cure
Whether it’s an update failure, successful hack, or just a mishap, sometimes things go wrong. The best way to avoid exposing your co-op’s site, and your visitors, to Murphy’s Law, is planning and preparation.
That’s where our WordPress care and maintenance plans come into play.
Our maintenance packages take the tedious work of keeping your site online, off your plate.
We update your site’s software as needed and check to make sure updates haven’t broken anything. If they do, we fix what we can and work with your designer on anything else. We maintain backups of your website in a secure location, regardless of who is hosting your site. Finally, we run regular security scans and, whenever possible, clean any malware we find.
If that wasn’t helpful enough, some of our Premium Plan includes unlimited tweaks and simple updates to your site – including content. No more wondering who is going to make that post or add that page. We’ll do it for you.
advanced malware & attack protection
The automated defense your site needs to stay online and safe.
Today’s website attacks are automated, efficient, and often devastating. They attempt to take your site down by overwhelming it with traffic. Or they try to plant code on it to infect your visitors’ computers. You need a defense that’s just as methodical.
We partner with cWatch by Comodo, a leader in the digital security industry. We distribute your site from their secure network, which automatically detects attacks and defends against attacks. They are the only service that provides real time threat protection and immediate, AI powered malware removal.
You can check out how they compare against the other services in the market. Just know one thing: we trust them and wouldn’t recommend them for your co-op if they were not top notch.
Automated Privacy Statements
Sometimes threats wear suits.
Every year a different government entity creates new privacy laws that apply to any business engaging with its citizens. Europe’s GDPR is one example; California’s CCPA is another. In both cases, your site could be held liable for failing to meet the law’s requirements.
And that leaves your co-op’s website vulnerable to any lawyer that decides to press you for a settlement.
That’s why we provide an automated privacy policy generator from Termageddon. Written by a lawyer, the terms meet the requirements of every applicable law.
NOTE: This not a replacement for having a lawyer manage your specific site’s requirements.
But it is better than working utterly vulnerable to anyone by having no policy at all.